Civic-Minded Business and Professional Men and Women Working Together To Make Our Community And The World A Better Place To Live, Work, and Study!

For our first forty-three years, the Rotary Club of Upper Manhattan met on the Upper West Side of Manhattan just opposite of Grant's Tomb (Riverside Drive and W. 123rd St.) in the Denmark Room of The International (Student) House at 500 Riverside Drive on Tuesdays at 6:30PM. At the meetings we plan and develop community and international service projects. Often, we invite an informative and recognized industry or community leader to be our Guest Speaker and to meet with club members. They provide us with first-hand insight on a wide-array of relevant topics such as politics, economics, finance, poverty-eradication, health, media, art, music, history, film, etc. The presentation and Q&A period normally lasts about 30 minutes, but our guest usually remain for an informal, extended conversation. We invite all Rotarians, and those interested in joining Rotary, to visit us. However, before the meeting, we recommend that you visit a few of the impressive visual, architectural, and cultural delights that are found in our community.

  • President - Dr. Syoum Gebregziabher
  • Past-President - Elizabeth "Betty" Sanders (deceased 2008)
  • Secretary - Dr. Rev. Thomas P Grissom, Jr.
  • Treasurer - Mary Williams - email:Marwill325@aol.com

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